Section: 4 Lot: 386 Grave: A
Jean McKinley
Born: February 22nd, 1957
Died: October 26th, 2022
Jean Ann Wichmann’s beautiful life started February 22, 1957, born to Robert and Rita Wichmann. She peacefully entered heaven on October 26, 2022. The birth and death of this amazing woman were not quite as important as the days in between.
On August 6, 1977 she became Jean McKinley, devoted wife to her best friend, Tim McKinley at Mother of God Church. They met while attending Villa Madonna Academy and Covington Catholic High School. Their love was so deep and pure it inspired others (and occasionally grossed out their children). Tim was always surprising Jeanie by leaving ‘I love you’ notes all around the house. Jeanie became a mother in 1979 to Robert Matthew (Erica McKinley, Jaxon Rapp, Quentin, Robert Grant, and Eleanor). In 1985, Jeanie joyously welcomed Caitlin Marie (Robert Mix). In 1986, she was surprised by Jennifer Erin (Zach Silbernagel, Jack, Lily), and in 1990 Christina Darcy arrived, bringing a new level of joy and compassion to our family. She was a proud mother, who selflessly shared her gifts with her children and everyone around her.
Jeanie had an incredible sense of humor, secretly hiding out of season holiday yard decorations in Jenny’s yard. She enjoyed many, yet still not enough, Sunday Fun-Days with her kids, grandkids, friends and neighbors in their backyard pool. She always made sure to have extra room in her car as the self-proclaimed ‘Mom Uber’ when needed. To her nieces and nephews she was The Great Aunt Jeanie. But of all titles, Grandma was the title she cherished the most, spoiling her grandkids at every opportunity. Throughout the years, she built a family that was cared for, nurtured, and loved beyond all measure.
Jeanie served her community and church through volunteer work and philanthropy. She enjoyed leading and guiding Senior Retreats for Holy Cross High School. Jeanie and Tim have been members of Mother of God Church since 1993. Jeanie served as a Eucharistic Minister, served several terms on the Parish Pastoral Council, headed the Family Life Committee, and assisted with Children's Liturgy of The Word. She was a well loved member of The Wenches, Mother of God’s women’s group in charge of orchestrating the church’s social activities. She was well known in her neighborhood community as "The Flag Lady" for providing everyone flags by their mailboxes to celebrate National holidays.
Jeanie became involved with Redwood School & Rehabilitation Center in 1992 when Christina was two. She served on the Board of Trustees and Overseers in 1996 and was the proud recipient of the Dorothy Jean Wood Award. Jeanie was the vice-chair of the Redwood Parent Group from 1998 to 2003 and served on the committee for the Redwood Derby and Night at the Races. She also served as a Bingo Chairman and volunteered for many years at the Redwood Express. She and Tim found that having a child with special needs is not a limitation, but rather opened up a world of possibilities.
Jeanie joined Coldwell Banker as a real estate agent in 2007. She held a true passion for helping people find the right house to grow and evolve their lives into a loving home. To her, there’s no place like home, always wearing ruby red shoes to celebrate home closings. She received many awards throughout her career. In 2021, her peers honored her as the recipient of the Janet Davis Legacy Award, was elected to hold office as Director, Secretary/Treasurer and President of the Northern Kentucky Association of Realtors. She was awarded the by Coldwell Banker International Sterling Society in 2019 and 2020 and International Diamond Society 2013-2018. In 2015 she as awarded the NKAR “Good Neighbor” award.
Jeanie was a fierce fighter of pancreatic cancer. Over the last two years, she handled her diagnosis with grace and grit, and found great humor in naming her medicine dispensing pump “George Clooney.” She became a true representation of endurance and faith and drew strength from her Prayer Warriors and frequent visits and from her sister, Mary Chance.
Jeanie became many things to us; not only our mom, but our best friend. She was supportive, kind, beautiful, and loved. Her celebration of life will begin at Mother of God Church in Covington on Wednesday, November 2 at 3:00pm, with a service following at 6:00pm. Please join us after mass to share stories and remembrances. Instead of flowers, the family requests to donate to Redwood School & Rehabilitation Center or to Cincinnati Cancer Advisors, who help cancer patients navigate their diagnosis with compassion and add more “days in between.”